
The Chinese White Dolphin

"To the dolphin alone, nature has given that which the best philosophers seek: Friendship for no advantage. Though it has no need of help from any man, it is a genial friend to all and has helped mankind."

- Plutarch

If you have ever been in the surf with a dolphin then you know how magnificent these animals really are. Every time I have been blessed with their presence I have felt an overwhelming calmness.

Dolphins seem to have life right. They eat, play and even have sex for fun. Dolphins have even protected people, like Todd Endris, from sharks. They are mans best friend in the ocean.

However, because of pollution, construction and over-fishing, dolphins are finding life harder and harder. The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin, or Chinese White Dolphin, is coming closer and closer to extinction. "These dolphins could be extinct within 20 years," according to Robin J. Winkler, member of the advisory committee to the Green Party Taiwan, "if the government doesn't protect their habitat."

Pollution and construction are leading causes to the endangerment of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin. Millions of gallons of sewage are being dumped into the waters off of China. Because of the industrial waste and expansion of China, our environment is suffering.

The Chinese white dolphin has an estimated population of about 150. While there is photographic documentation of 88, but researchers have counted more. This is a problem that we are creating. By polluting our waters and not providing a proper alternative wildlife for animals to live in, we are killing dolphins.

For more information where you can help check out The Wildlife Adoption Center, Save Japan Dolphins, and the World Wide Fund For Nature Hong Kong.

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