
Simple steps to ease you into the New Year and a better community.

Most people that I speak with have not got involved with a program to help their community. When I listen to these people say why it is not because they do not care. Most of the time it is because they are uniformed on how they can help. Here are a few simple ways you can bring in the New Year, while helping out your community:

1.) Click on Ripple link. It only takes a second and you will educate a child in East Timor for two days. However, I encourage you to take an even further action if you have a website, blog, or MySpace account. Post a link to Ripple.org on your page so even more people can donate!
2.) Fast. I am not talking about being the next Ghandi and not eat for 30 days. Just 5 hours. Skip lunch and feed a child for a month. That's right: SKIP LUNCH AND FEED A CHILD FOR A MONTH! For 8 dollars you can feed a child for a whole month through the Feed the Children organization. I guarantee you will not starve if you miss one lunch. However, you can keep a child from starving. Also, fasting doesn't mean working through lunch. Put down the pen or turn off the monitor and reflect. On your life, others' lives, or maybe even call a friend or family member you haven't spoken to in awhile.
3.) Change a light bulb. Changing your light-bulbs in your home to a Compact Fluorescent Light-bulb (CFL) will not only save money on they energy bill but save energy. That means less pollution. Check out 18 Seconds for more information on how to save money and the environment.
4.) Buy Fair Trade items. They only cost a little more but the difference is worth it. Farmer's across the world are one of the poorest workers , working in some of the harshest conditions. Fair Trade Labeling Organizations International (FLO) is the organization that sets the standards so farmers earn a decent wage to feed their families. Many different products are certified by the FLO so look out for the labels next time your are in the grocery market.
5.) Donate. There are millions of NPOs out there that are looking for your money to help the needy. They don't ask for much, usually starting at just a few dollars. If $10 can save a child from starving to death, imagine how many people we could save. Next time you plan to log onto Myspace don't. Instead go to google. Search for a non-profit that interests you and help out. In the time that it wold have taken you to see your friend take another picture of them self in the mirror you could have saved a child.

These five simple ways can saves lives. They do not ask you to change your lifestyle, quit your job, spend your savings, or move to Africa. Other people have already done that for you. Instead they ask you to care. Care about others for only 5 minutes. For that 5 minutes is all it takes to save a life.


Unknown said...

Hey Fudge! This blog, even though it's only like a day old, is amazing. Thanks for choosing to spend your time making a difference. I'll be praying for you while you're in Iraq, and I look forward to reading our post and learning what's going on in your life over there.

Maybe we can get together sometime before you take off?

Unknown said...

Here's a list of several other "Click to Donate" sites that I try to hit daily. I hope you and your readers will find it to be a good resource.


Anonymous said...

Hi,Jason--Looking forward to following your blog. Best of luck to you.

Aimee Panagoplos
(Kevin Wright's sister, but don't let that get out please...)

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