"You want to know her story, so you ask questions. It is difficult to ask-what do you say? But it is even more difficult to hear her answers. She is a victim of an AIDS cleaning ritual. The victim of a lie. It is a lie that circulates across Africa and states that if you have sex with a virgin you will be cured of AIDS. this beautiful woman was systematically raped by men who thought her virgin blood would cure them.
"And that bouncing boy? That smiling boy? He was the product of that gang rape. His mother is dying of AIDS. And someday, a day that could steal the joy from this boy's eyes, he will learn that he is infected by AIDS."
excerpt taken from"Red Letters: Living a Faith That Bleeds" by Tom Davis.
Over 40 million people have AIDS in the world today. 11 thousand people will contract the disease tomorrow. 1,800 kids under 15 will contract the disease and 1,400 will die. Whether you wish to ignore the problem or not, AIDS is the number 4 killer on the planet.
Tom Davis states that this disease a pandemic. Larger then an epidemic because it effects all countries, people, races, religions and ages. While every country has a AIDS problem, no country is suffering from the disease like Africa. The list goes on and the stories are endless for the mass spread. However, wars, genocides, poverty, lack of education, hunger, and adultery are the main reasons to blame.
"Red Letters" is not just a book about the AIDS problem in Africa. Davis speaks from the heart and from the bible. He questions Christians reasoning for lack of action in Africa to help.
Red Letters are Jesus's Words. They are the Word of God within the Bible.
"Red Letters" is a call to witness for all Christians. Davis follows Jesus's life of service to his followers and the needy and argues that all Christians should "live a faith that bleeds." That through blood gives life.
"Red Letters" is a book for all religions and people. This is a problem that is killing millions of people every year. Davis describes the pandemic through emotional stories of real people along side of hard statistics. While the book is Christian and quotes the Bible throughout it, this book does not push Christianity. It is not meant to convert anyone. He focuses on the problem and why people should care about it.
I enjoyed this book very much. Davis gives a strong argument to stand up and fight for the cause. While this book may not be for everything, people that can't get past the Bible quotes or some with a weak stomach, this book is an important read to understanding the world's AIDS pandemic.
For more information check out:
Save Africa's Children, One, Global AIDS Alliance

The fact that the Church is ignoring the AIDS situation is really disgraceful. Apparently Harry Potter and The Golden Compass are more pressing issues...
Hey Jason. You don't know me. I a Hannah, Tom Davis' sister in law -- I came acrosss your blog and couldn't resist posting a little comment. Smile. Tom is actually in Africa right now -- in Swaziland -- or he would write you himself. : ) It's awesome what God is stirring in your heart -- a passion for the ones dearest to his heart, the widows and the orphans! Tom always gets all pumped up when he hears stories about how people's hearts are being moved by what moves God's heart! haha. Hey, and if you are interested in seeing it all first-hand, let me know. : )
With joy,
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