
Guess who's back!

So a miracle happend today. I just finished installing Lightroom II onto my computer. I had to look something up on the help files, so I clicked on Lightroom Help. The link directed me to a website on Adobe.com. However, the proxy blocked it. As one can expect, a lot of website are blocked for us to use on government computers here in Iraq. The proxies are setup to protect operational security as well as viruses getting into the system. Just like a lot of corporations, the military blocks access to websites as well. However, this was a site that I needed to view for my job so I called up the information assurance guys. He told me I should have already had access to the site because I am with Combat Camera and aparently we are supposed to get special access. So he gave me the code which I typed in to Internet Explorers setting and viola... I had access.

I decided to take the experiment one step further and see if I had access to check my Gmail account. What do you know, it worked. So I decided to see if I could get access to Facebook. Again, it worked. So I checked my blog. A miracle happened, and I had access.

I know I said I would do great things with this blog when I started in 8 months ago. However, I did not think that I would not have access to it in Iraq. So, now that I do, it is back up a running!

A lot for me has changed in the last 8 months. Normally I would talk about it, but it could fill pages, so I'll be brief. I helped some people, hurt some others, met some cool people, and some jerks. I traveled all over Iraq and stayed trapped on bases at times. I took some terrific pictures and saw some terrible things. I spent 3 months wandering the desert and a few more trapped inside a base. People were saved and a few were killed, bombs were dropped, while suicide vests were blown up. My heart was broken then I fell in love.

If you want to see some of my photos, just Google my name.

So stand by because my blog is now back in full swing.


Michael said...


Welcome Back (sort of).

Michael said...

fuckin slacker.....8 months? you could have easily hand written letters to any one of a dozen people who would have inputted the info into the blog....

glad to have you back. i'll work on spamming your blog across the net tonight. i have a few ideas in mind.


Unknown said...

Good to hear from you, Jason! Sounds like you've had a very eventful 8 months. I'd love to hear about your adventures sometime.

Glad you're doing ok. Do you still not want packages, or are you at a base that doesn't have goodies for you now?

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